Monday, February 21, 2011

Windowsblinds 7 Installer

Pilates for the brain ... Small

How in the name of that movie coming out this artist who is gorgeous, blonde? ... Yeah, man, the tall, curly hair that once came to this wonderful actor ... called ... that came out in a very famous play ... you know what I mean, no?

Thus began. After thirty years, usually begin to notice that small oversights you: What do you call this guy? I know him very well ... What time was the appointment at 5:00 or 5:30? Is this how I said it worked? My keys ... where I left? On which floor I parked? But nothing like when we exclaim I stole the car! Without realizing that we went through the wrong door of the mall.

Although these small oversights not affect our lives, we feel anxious. With terror, we think that the brain begins to be gel and we are concerned to look like Aunt Anastasia, who remembers in great detail all about his childhood in Morelia, but can not remember what he did yesterday or this morning.

If this sounds familiar, do not worry, there is hope . There are many myths that people mistakenly link the old with the lack of memory. Neuroscientists have found that does not necessarily have to be, that the cells regenerate in the brains of adults and that, contrary to what was thought, memory loss is not due to age or neurons to die, but the reduction in number and complexity of dendrites (Industrial neurons through the synapse, receive and process information from other nerve cells).

This happens for one simple reason: lack of use. It's simple, and as an unused muscle atrophy, dendrites also atrophy if not connect often, and the brain's ability to put new information is reduced.

True, Exercise helps a lot to alert the mind, there are also vitamins and drugs that enhance synaptic transmission and enhance the memory, however, nothing like having your brain produce its own food: neurotrophins.

Neurotrophins are molecules that produce and secrete nerve cells and serve as food for good health to them and to synapses. The more active brain cells are more number of neurotrophins occur, this creates more connections between different brain areas.

What can we do?

What we need is to do pilates with neurons, stretch, catch them, take them out of their routines and introduce new unexpected and fun through the emotions, smell, sight, touch, taste and hearing. In addition, retarlas with crosswords, games and puzzles or chess.

result? The brain becomes more flexible, more agile, and their memory capacity increases.

read this, you probably think, I read, work, I exercise and a thousand other things during the day, so my mind must be very encouraged. The truth is that life for most of us is held in a series of routines. Think of a daily or weekly average. How different is your morning routine, your route to work, the time you eat or go home? Does time spent in the car? Is the time and programs you see on TV?

Routine activities are unconscious, cause the brain to operate in automatic, require minimal energy and experiences roads go through the same neuronal and formed long ago. No production of neurotrophins.

Some exercises that expand substantially dendrites:

1. Swim with your eyes closed. Only touch and locate the keys, adjust the temperature of the water, looking for soap, shampoo or shaving cream. See how your hands will notice textures you've never seen.

2. Use the nondominant hand. Come, enter, open the dough, brush your teeth, open the drawer with the hand that costs you more work to use.

3. Read aloud. different circuits are activated that you use to read in silence.

4. Change your routes. takes different routes to get to work, your home.

5. Change your routines. Do things different. Salt, meet and talk with people of different ages, jobs and ideologies. Experience the unexpected. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. Out to the field, Caminal, smell it.

6. Change things around. Knowing where everything is, the brain has already constructed a map. Changes, for example, the location of trash, you will see the number of times that winnow the role of the old place.

7. Learn a skill. Anything can be photography, cooking, yoga, study a new language. If you like puzzles or car, cover one eye to lose depth perception, so that the brain must rely on other routes.

8. Identifies coins. Put in your car cup with different currencies and have it on hand for that while you're at the top, try finger to identify the name of each.

Why not open your mind and try these exercises so easy that, according to studies of Neurobiology of Duke University Medical Center, expand our minds? Hopefully, never again rowing to ask: Where did I leave my keys?

Gaby Vargas
(Received by email)


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