Friday, March 6, 2009

Sample Contract For Renting A Car

Believing in God is Suicide and

believe in God is Suicide Jilipollas and
clarify that we refer to God in this provocative phrase certainly is a diverse and multidimensional god: also money, the objects we love, possessive love patriarchal ideologies, privante property ((as we otherwise deprived of liberty, because we only have what we have, instead of being "owned" by all around us, like religion = ("religare) pantheistic and without God)), to beliefs in general, the monopoly of ideas, images, the monopoly of thought and action that leads inevitably to the degeneration, nervous system (neurodegeneration), the golden calf of four wheels ...

Our life is composed of units called experiences. The quality of our experiences not only marks the quality of our existence, but our chances of survival. There are experiences that we call super-experiences (experiences "super") and other experiences we might ascribe to all the on-experiences (survive).

The quality of our life or living units, or its quality, that is, is itself a direct function of the ratio between experience and theory. From experience could understand the direct and immediate experience as perceived by our sensory system. The theoretical component of a particular experience or life process unit, the dynamic process of living, could be described as the weight to the theory and beliefs have on that experience.

Although the name of the blog is intended to be provocative, be interpreted as the same text, from a viewpoint of fuzzy logic, a logic of gray, where starting rejects the idea of \u200b\u200babsolute truth feature Aristotelian logic or "black-and-white," where things: either they are or are not. To the person unfamiliar with the fuzzy logic can be hard to swallow its inherent principle that things are and are not (to some degree) at the same time. Mathematically be formulated: "A" equals "A" and at the same time, "A" equals "not A". The delay (and / or refusal) to understand these basic principles of Fuzzy Logic, set back in the sixties of last century, has earned them U.S. companies 10 to 15 years behind the development of technologies based on Fuzzy Logic by Japanese companies and Oriental, whose cultural foundation he was more familiar.

In this light we could accept that in all of us, the experiences are generally conditioned to varying degrees, by theory and belief. At all. And since culture is not done in two days, or ten, when you start to analyze the construction of Western culture, you realize that your pregnancy has been three fundamental axes or skeletons for our worldview. These three cardinal axes are: 1) The Platonic philosophy, 2) Roman law and 3) Judeo-Christian religion.

And this worldview that pervades, to varying degrees, the functioning of society and our institutions, in turn be impregnated by these three areas to name just makes indvividualmente although we can declare themselves atheists or agnostics, if they suck assiduously wheel of this system would have to accept that we are governed by both, in our daily life by principles from the Judeo-Christianity.

Thus ideologies are belief systems, inexorably suck this Judeo-Christianity.

theory or beliefs that permeate in varying degrees, each of our experiences, belong to the world of ideas. In complementarity with the ideas, our experiences are also involved, in varying degrees, feelings or perceptions of the physical world. If humans can perceive up to a trillion bits of information per second through our senses, that means that no matter how busy we have our brains turning the abstract world of ideas at the same time and in an "unconscious", we are literally traversed by a multitude of stimuli in the world (including from our own organic systems), whose effects are superimposed on the information digested by our brain From these ideas we walk spinning.

believe (in God) is Suicide and Jilipoyas.

the end could come to the interesting conclusion that "God" in that sentence really spare. Because that "god" patriarchal, which in principle we mentioned, we have seen permeates, as a set of beliefs, too many aspects of everyday life in these civilized cultures. So the main problem is not "believe in that god, but simply believe. We may not be "believers" as such, but perhaps our life is so flooded with ideas, theory and belief that we are hardly aware of the sensory rush, really sensational, albeit "unwittingly" is what keeps us awake, alert and allows us to remain super-living.

Suicide we refer to the Eco-cide is predicted by many experts. And the solution is given by an ancient mathematical hypothesis, expressed very playful and nothing serious: The "Gordo Point Theory" .

Gordo Point Theory and has a scientific corroboration. The famous "Fat Point" is defined as the fattest point, closer and more in touch with humanity, but precisely because of the bewildered caused by the World of Ideas, thoughtful people, ie the intelligentsia, that Punta Gorda has been "miraculously" unnoticed, even though honest vanguard intellectuals have tried earnestly to let us see through a theory that has another name but hidden within it's own Theory of Punta Gorda.

To find out what the mysterious Punta Gorda, first calculate the number and distribution of human beings in this Planet.

More or less (we keep moving with the help of the wise and flexible Fuzzy Logic) can be said about six of which we have 1,500 million humans on this Earth.

regard to their spatial distribution, assume that a good part of the continent is now being trodden and / or occupied by those who are curious beings as human beings.

Thus, the distance you are at this very moment human beings from each other, is very variable, and their respective density. We know what we say and what we've kicked ourselves that there are places with high density of beings of our species, while in other places the bodies or agencies humans are showing a greater spread between them.

In either case, and for simplicity and elegance that make scientific theories assume that humans could draw to our body a "hollow porous." Concavity because according to the above premises, are distributed on the surface of an ellipsoid of revolution. And because of all the porous surface of the ellipsoid of revolution, our little bodies only take in a given time, say a "point" of the surface of revolution, leaving amidst a large number and variety of holes unfilled.

Theory To round out our Punta Gorda, we will choose to expand The area occupied by humans, including all the places humans have walked or taken over his life. And yet, we will continue to darken our "Human Map" on the ellipsoid of revolution, adding all the points at least once have been visited or traveled by human individuals throughout the long history of the aforementioned human species.

Aha! We are more happy, because with these two complementary processes have been gradually expanding the area of \u200b\u200bhuman occupation on the ellipsoid of revolution. We have an area "human" is undoubtedly much more dense than before. We could interpret this superficie "humana" como una telaraña más o menos tupida, que recubre buena parte de los continentes, incluso de los mares, de nuestro elipsoide de revolución.

Entonces, tras darle tantas vueltas, quizás ya estemos bastante más cerca de descubrir nuestro misterioso "Punto Gordo". ¿Cual sería (y es) el Punto Más Gordo que conecta físicamente, y a lo largo de su tupida historia, a toda la Humanidad?

Pues La Tierra.

Basta que miremos hacia donde están nuestros pies. Etimológicamente Humano viene de Humus. Somos pues seres del Humus, de la Tierra. Humus y Tierra son en parte sinónimos, porque muchas veces cuando nos referimos a la tierra que hay bajo nuestros feet we are talking about a composite substrate to a greater or lesser degree of humus.

and scientific theory to which we referred is the Gaia Theory. After many centuries of trying to deny the very existence of Earth as a living system, which also forms part, and to direct our aspirations toward a distant patriarchal god invisible and abstract, is James Lovelock (after Verdnasky, who beat him half century) and proposes the Gaia hypothesis or theory.

Well today, after thirty years of effort to restore this "non-belief" in Western culture "orphan of Gaia", we find that it remains "a line in the water," remains a theory almost unknown in universities, schools and society in general.

And one wonders: How the Theory of how many there are less theoretical (one might say "UnTheory in Inglés) remains as rejected, ignored and denied it even though we is nothing less than our survival as a species?

Well precisely because we have done so more drug abusers of beliefs and beliefs, theories and more theories, ideas and more ideas ... that when it finally emerges, with enough effort, a theory that can be directly intuitive, understandable, livable, sensible, perceptible literally tasted by humans, many people tends to reject precisely esoteric.

And there is nothing esoteric. On the contrary. Any sentient creature knows from experience that long walk (or almost) on earth and what we got to the mouth every day comes from the Earth and what we produce also comes and goes after the Earth, albeit with connivance of the Sun ..

What's Gaia Theory is a very "anti-Christian" because it is based on the logical and intuitive experiential Pantheism that has characterized the thought and action of many cultures and people throughout human history. Looking

well, either there is a big difference between Christian panentheism and pantheism. The difference between the two terms is a single "E". Elsewhere we have order please that this "E" "go to hell as soon as possible" to reunite modern Christianity with the old, emerged from Pantheism. They speak both to reach an agreement interfaith Gaia and pantheism (which is also panentheistic but not vice versa) could be the basis of that unit.

If we write in these terms is also the force that gives us the open-heart testimony and Ex-Missionary Linguist Daniel Everett, after thirty years with the indomitable Pirahã, which are not evangelize nor Christianity nor capitalism numbers.
Continue watching or looking
an abstract god when the Earth is hot and is jilipollas. Especially when Fuzzy Logic allows us to look for possible "have to have" between that belief, in principle legitimate, deist, and direct experience through Sensosfera.

If we stopped lending, consciously focus on our senses and Sensosfera has been, as we said, by the weight of the abstract and ideas have had on our western culture.

regrease our senses would suffice now diving again, consciously, in Sensosfera to return to be part of Punta Gorda.
And what of the relationship also goes through the line penis. "Both vouchers so you have" put the Romans on their doors (in its double meaning). The setting is a wonderful metaphor phallocentric with linear fixation still dominates our social and scientific, although it is becoming increasingly obsolete.

If the Pirahã can not learn to count to ten, or add one and one is about something. With that attitude and acristiana aNumber so viscerally, what voices are telling us is that they live in the real world to stop in Sensosfera (4-dimensional) and not of the belief (linear). They do not need. Or us. This would not suddenly pull all our beliefs, it is impossible, but to give us account (Do you get Kuen! is the motto of the Sensosfera) that the natural capital of one trillion bits per second perception is very useful, affordable practice and gradually abandon the vicious circle of thoughts useless, it was the result of the power they once had in you the theory, beliefs and the world of ideas.


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