Saturday, March 7, 2009

Funny Hindu Reception Invitation Wordings

Hold Much Paper

Following this news,
contained in the mailing list of "Entheogens", following a half as "official" truths so clearly said, we have assembled this text that follows:

1) "The paper holds a lot." In corporate documents populations are included, implicitly or explicitly, all alternative positions claimed by social groups. So swallow the "speech contrary" that leave us speechless.

2) A sharp test and "shameful": the systematic war against the territory and the inhabitants of the English state these past years. For 20 years the official has been charged, carefully, environment, sustainability, and all those other cultural values \u200b\u200b"alternative." But as in so many wars, establishing a partnership with multinational companies that have entered brutally sack and managed to raise those years the English State to first place World by number of inhabitants, pollution and climate change. Think of the record numbers of domestic violence call.

3) Who has protested? Who said anything? No doubt there have been protests, but ridiculous in number and representation in relation to all this disaster foretold. Yes this disaster was announced by them, since in these discourses implicitly made it very clear what had to be the way forward to reach the alleged sustainability or quality of life (which is to be the same.) They've jumped "the bullfighter" and nothing has happened here.

4) certainly seems to me essential item in this list where we discuss brain, consciousness and all that. Is also known that the English State is a leader in percentage of population with university education. Where is, then, all the supposed intelligence?

5) Take the example of environmentalists, who have (we) have strongly protested for years against such injustice. It is as if they had been tired ("Porvair facts" say around here) so much protest. In fact it was impossible to cope. This is written from the famous Costa del Sol and here it was impossible to follow even brief (knowing or having notice) of all the outrages urbanistic, carreteriles, golfers ... who were appearing at a speed and density amazing. It is symptomatic that since Ecologists in Action has been given much importance these days to modify the content of a notice of cars, it was not checked within the "ecological truth" of CO2 or something like that ... When I had to do was to ban all such advertising media undoubtedly murdered.

6) Compared to the "other" historical memory, seventy years ago (MH70), which in this area is certainly marked by the departure of refugees en masse by the Carretera de Almería, "this" historical memory as recently of which we are speaking, we have called MH8 (from 2001-2008) should be more present in the consciousness of the population.

7) may show that this has been a real war (and we keep referring to the English State, as an example very close, and connected to many other wars of the planetary geography) is just that hardly anyone speaks clearly to force it. "Maybe we have to wait another seventy years to bring to light critical global discourse on what has happened? Wars are also clearly displays of power and re-establishment of fear. Maybe that's why most people prefer to talk and report street and go about their business, their survival. The conscious fear or making ends insconciente more individualistic.

8) Do not know is a very curious and interesting, especially when framed in the midst of this global crisis. I was pleasantly surprised to find in a dictionary that "crisis" comes from the Greek "krinein" which means "DECISION."

9) In sum, and to compensate any pessimism conveyed in this text, it is clear that the time, the opportunity to take an important decision that we knew a long time, but for whatever we did not dare to take once.

10) It is time to "take the bull by the horns" and continue to spread from the rooftops that this great crisis is the great opportunity we all expected to decide to act as they did in many other places on the planet. The output of the crisis is not in terms or White or Black "(or capital or ... what?) Is rather flexible in terms of Fuzzy Logic. It is further spreading like wildfire truly effective solutions that have already been applied elsewhere.

11) To take an example very close. A 200 km is a city of Malaga, Seville, which already has 1,800 km of bicycle lanes and 50,000 bikes provided by the council to cuidadania to go to work or daily chores. In turn they have inspired other cities (cities). Because passing day Málaga, for example, without a network of bike paths, is a direct increase in road rage and the more violence in which is involved massive vehicle traffic ... responsibility of our institutions. Responsibility of all.

12) and changing minds apparent third, after biting a bit in the book about the Pirahã, it strikes me that the Revolution of 2012 is undoubtedly a revolution Pirahã. For true that there are movements or LEFT allocated in the next wave that year of 2012. If you are familiar with the thinking and feelings of the indigenous communities, fortunately more and more permeable barriers that lay behind the West, it will be very familiar also the philosophy of life and Pirahã language. Except that Pirahã, one could say that Indians are more radical than known. So that reading, though brief, of this first book about the Pirahã, soon made into a movie, all we need to approach all of a sudden the indigenous thought in its various aspects, given the issues so basic, so radical, so common that the Pirahã book you awake. It's like you wake up neural connections that were not practiced in our culture for a long time. Or individual and personal level, it's like reading and reflection on the Pirahã, you just re-sensory neuronal connectivity and our infant stage, free and unbiased.

13) What Pirahã would then be a revolution? This revolution, which continually emerge in us every time we appeal to a sense-common sense basic and universal of retaking would result in our education and life process, the values \u200b\u200bof our childhood. If children are undoubtedly the most important capital of the company, it would favor not only that portion of the population, but also all activities and processes in which people of all ages make us reaflorar mainly through of our sensory (which is undoubtedly the basis of our consciousness) that Pirahã trunk common to all mankind, which is the heart-action child in all of us ...


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