Saturday, August 7, 2010

Reebok Resistance Band Mumbai

La marea de nuestra vida...

What is sometimes like the sea with life itself. There is a moment that the sailors called slack tide when the tide neither rises nor falls, but remains perfectly still. It is a point frozen in time, when everything is quiet and peaceful. Those moments when we have them in everyday life we \u200b\u200bknow to glory. The only downside is that it happens very quickly.

When you test the silence, the tranquility of truth ... the misses in certain times in your life, sooner or later. Loneliness is not good, of course not. But all we need our space sometimes. Away from the noise, the burdens of stress. Refuge in oneself. Enjoy our own company, the silence that floods the scene. And talk to yourself. Reflection and order our mind. As fishers make their long journeys by sea, where they spend most of the day with no company but that of his rod and fish.

When a fishing must have patience, if not, little will be achieved. In our life we \u200b\u200bgo too fast with everything. And sometimes, the vast majority of our targets are not met. Because we have no patience. The good fisherman knows that if you have patience you will get your prize. It may take days and days. Hours one after another to no avail. But he knows that if your rod is in the water can sting it takes so long wanting. Sometimes we want things now, and despair if we fail. And that can not be. Everything has its time. Everything comes in life. Although it is too late. But never too late if ... you know.

Man has always been attracted to the sea. But we assumed an unnatural setting, a place of great danger. Tides, currents, dangerous fish, waves, winds ... each with its own risks. None can be ignored. The slightest mistake can be a deadly mistake. But a good sailor does not fight against these elements. A good sailor working with them to use them in your favor. While other less fortunate drift, beaten and bruised by the terrible struggle, he always returns to the security of your home. Because it does not always win the strongest but the smartest.


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