Monday, November 1, 2010

Wedding Reply Spanish Wording

be a person ...

Thanks, Max and Happy Birthday!

But things were not. A evaluates things market because they are bought sold, used for something and end up translating into pesos or dollars.

We were people, also were evaluating us because we can not cease to be bodies, tall, short, vizcos, oily skin, straight hair, blue eyes, tiny ears, shoes forty-two, waist adjusted in

thick ankles ... But ultimately occurs appreciation for others, as a person, I like it or not I like, I attract or not attract me, I want to be with her again or do not want to see her again.

That which is there but, however, is not the body, earrings, or bust: all that and more than that, is a person.

is the individual and is the person. The person is the bearer of values. The individual can be ugly. The person, however, can be a beautiful person.

We continue to see long weeks.

We fight, we argue, we said more than one phrase offensive, but we needed. The person needs the person. This value is called affection, love. It is a business run by the intelligence (and when it is, unfortunately, love has nothing) which states that "I should" bind me to you). There is a value that expresses the people saying "you bread and onion."

I needed. I thought of you. Dreaming you. With our union. I wanted to. Not your body. You never want a body. The body is a pretext for desire. I wanted you, person. Sex can vent the myriad ways in thousands of bodies, and not a trace.

As wise King Solomon said, there are four things that are and three who can not quite grasp:

- the way of an eagle in the sky.

- the path of the snake on the rock.

- the way of a ship at sea.

- and the way of men in women.

Traces, all people leave footprints on the path to be cleared, or blurred. But traces of a man in a woman are not out, not drawn, they are inside, sense, meaning, in value.

The memory is the value of that encounter. Neither

bodies or souls, people and values. Jaime



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